My circulation coworkers

My circulation coworkers
Holiday Party-we always find reasons to get toghether and have some fun!

Thursday, January 28, 2010


Well, this is week three and the assignment is webinars. Now, I've participated in only a couple of live webinars before but this is the first time I viewed an archived session. The possibilities of what webinars have to offer is wonderful and it's so hard to choose which one to view first. How else can you participate in something and never have to travel. In this economy you really can't choose a better way to expand ones horizons. I chose 25 Technologies to Watch and How by Stephen Abram and it was originally done on 1-31-08. The title was a little misleading because Mr. Abram had 30 points to touch on. I did find it interesting since it has been two years since this webinar took place and boy have things changed in those 2 years. Mr. Abram talked about the importance of technology and how we need to grow with it. Things that were discussed ranged from podcasts, facebook, websites and itunes. A couple of things mentioned that I have never heard of were Spiralfrog and Pandora. I love music and was excited to look these up. I found Pandora and can't wait to try it out. When I looked up Spiralfrog I found it had shut down on 3-20-09. It shows how fast things come and go. One of the things Mr. Abram advised was to watch kids. They can figure out things so fast. This is so true!
I will continue to participate in webinars but nothing takes the place of a real person!

Monday, January 25, 2010

Not letting Ning get the best of me yet!

Over the weekend I've played with Ning. I'm not really impressed with this site since I keep getting the same choices over and over. I find it kind of funny that since most of these are fan/fun sites that there are a few that have to approve you just like a friend request on Facebook. I finally found something I was interested in by using Google. I tried to find it through all the "circles" but never did come across it. It makes me wonder what else I might be missing. I'm not a person who gives up easily but unless someone can tell me how to search on Ning I'm not going to spend to much time with it.

Thursday, January 21, 2010


Since I've used Facebook before I decided to try my hand at Ning. I found it to be a little confusing. I did find some groups that looked interesting so I decided to sign up for them. I did find the 23 Things Kansas group only from the 23 Things Kansas website. I'm not giving up on this site yet. It may take some time but I'm going to figure it out!


Hi All!
I've been on Facebook for a couple of years now and have had lots of fun with it. Not only have I been able to catch up with friends from school who I haven't seen but I've made some new ones. People laugh when I say I play the games that are offered on Facebook but you never know who you might meet. I've meet a person in Canada that shares my first name and a person in Ohio who not only shares a first name similar to mine but our last names are almost the same-one spelled ie and the other ei-and pronounced the same. We decided to become friends just for that. I've also meet a former Kansan who was living in Nebraska. I was one of the first people on Facebook that she told about her family moving back to Kansas. Boy, was she excited about that! I've also became friends with a people in Malaysia, Sweden, India, and England.
Even though I've never have come face to face with these friends I've found that you get attached to them. Whenever I've not been of Facebook for awhile I find I get messages asking if I'm okay. I find myself sending notes when I've noticed someone hasn't been on for awhile. Most the time they are like me and just hadn't had the time but every now and then they've been sick or had some other problems. It's always nice to know that out there in the world someone does notice and cares.
I've also had a relative (who I didn't know) find me on Facebook. I had to ask my mother if it was legit. I found out through her and my long lost relative that my grandfather and his grandmother had been very close. I also keep up with my cousins with Facebook. We live in the same town but all have very different schedules. Sometimes this is the only way we keep in touch.
Good luck and happy friend finding on Facebook to all of you!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Seeing the world for the first time

At the end of August I got a new puppy. We found each other right before her 6 month birthday. As you can imagine we are experiencing a lot of "firsts" together. Lillie had her first snow, it wasn't much and she thought it was okay. At Christmas she really had her first big snow, that she really loved. With drifts taller than she is Lillie would jump through them. When off of her leash she would run as fast as she could in the snow, leaping and jumping at the new flakes that were falling.
One day this week I went home for lunch and to take her for a walk. On our walk we came across a small tree full of birds. Lillie was mesmerized. She just stood there staring at them, never moving a muscle or even barking. You would have thought she had never seen them before but with the winter months there hadn't really been any around. We were finally able to continue our walk once the birds flew away. With spring coming and all the thunderstorms we get, I wonder if she will remember what thunder is.
I can't wait to see what else we get to "experience" together!

Monday, January 18, 2010

Just for fun!

If you want something to just laugh at check it out. It's amazing what people will write.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Love that Basketball!

If you haven't seen this and you love Jayhawk basketball you must see this!

Week One Blogging

Hi! My name is Darla and this is my very first blog. I work at the Lawrence Public Library in Lawrence Kansas. The Lawrence Public Library is a fun place to work. With a wide range of users there is never a boring day to be had. I've been here for over 25 years and I still come across something new everyday. I was very excited to take the class 23 Things Kansas. It sounds like a very exciting thing to participate in. I heard there are over 500 of us doing this. Wow! That number just blows my mind. I was a little intimidated at the thought of doing my first blog. I was really surprised at how easy it was to do this.