My circulation coworkers

My circulation coworkers
Holiday Party-we always find reasons to get toghether and have some fun!

Thursday, February 18, 2010


Here is week six and I'm learning something new and fun. Today I started my own Delicious account. This was totally new to me. I found this site very helpful and I think this could be addicting to me!
Tagging wasn't a scary term for me but the idea of doing this was a little intimidating since I've never really down anything like this except for the favorites on my computer. Since I love music so much of course I had to bookmark my favorite band web sites along with my Facebook, Myspace and email accounts. I also added my local paper so I can keep up on the local news. The only thing is it seemed like I kept using the same tags. Oh well, when I play with it more I'm sure I'll find other sites and use more tags.
I also checked out Stumbleupon. I really was entertained by this site. This site would be a place to go when I'm looking for just some entertainment. I loved the stumble button. One thing I found when using it was a version of Michael Jackson's Billie Jean done by a man using an accordion and a suitcase for a drum. What a find!


  1. I really like stumbleupon too-- just as a totally for fun exploration.

  2. Now we need a site to help us remember all of our sign-in information. I try to use the same user id and password but my daughter tells me that will certainly lead to trouble if someone else figures me out. :)
