My circulation coworkers

My circulation coworkers
Holiday Party-we always find reasons to get toghether and have some fun!

Friday, April 9, 2010

Lillie's first birthday

On April 6 Lillie turned one year old! It is hard to believe that I got her just over six months ago. I sent her "foster mom" an email just to let her know how Lillie and I were doing. She was really happy to hear from me and said how she had wondered how Lillie was doing. She also told me that if I went to the ABRGA website I could see Lillie on the Love Stories section. Not only did I find Lillie's baby picture but I also found her siblings. I was so happy that she showed this to. She also told me she was "fostering" her sixth dog! It takes a very special person who can do this. If you are interested in viewing this web site here it is "". This is a picture of Lillie just after I brought her home.

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