My circulation coworkers

My circulation coworkers
Holiday Party-we always find reasons to get toghether and have some fun!

Thursday, January 21, 2010


Hi All!
I've been on Facebook for a couple of years now and have had lots of fun with it. Not only have I been able to catch up with friends from school who I haven't seen but I've made some new ones. People laugh when I say I play the games that are offered on Facebook but you never know who you might meet. I've meet a person in Canada that shares my first name and a person in Ohio who not only shares a first name similar to mine but our last names are almost the same-one spelled ie and the other ei-and pronounced the same. We decided to become friends just for that. I've also meet a former Kansan who was living in Nebraska. I was one of the first people on Facebook that she told about her family moving back to Kansas. Boy, was she excited about that! I've also became friends with a people in Malaysia, Sweden, India, and England.
Even though I've never have come face to face with these friends I've found that you get attached to them. Whenever I've not been of Facebook for awhile I find I get messages asking if I'm okay. I find myself sending notes when I've noticed someone hasn't been on for awhile. Most the time they are like me and just hadn't had the time but every now and then they've been sick or had some other problems. It's always nice to know that out there in the world someone does notice and cares.
I've also had a relative (who I didn't know) find me on Facebook. I had to ask my mother if it was legit. I found out through her and my long lost relative that my grandfather and his grandmother had been very close. I also keep up with my cousins with Facebook. We live in the same town but all have very different schedules. Sometimes this is the only way we keep in touch.
Good luck and happy friend finding on Facebook to all of you!

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