My circulation coworkers

My circulation coworkers
Holiday Party-we always find reasons to get toghether and have some fun!

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Lillie, part dog part goat

Lillie will be turning one next week. She sure has been a lot of fun since I got her. Now, don't get me wrong, she is not perfect. Lillie wants to play at night when I want to sleep. I taught her how to play fetch a few months ago. She loves it so much that she has become obsessed about it. If I sit down to watch TV, talk on the phone, use the computer, or even eat there she is with one of her toys wanting me to throw it for her. Lillie can now catch it in the air which is a lot of fun to watch. Now, if only I can teach her how to sit again!
Now here comes the part about being part goat. Just this weekend she ate one of my memory cards for my camera. I sat down at the computer to download the pictures I had taken the night before off of one card and had placed the other card on the desk to download some pictures off of it next. I guess when I sat my camera down I knocked the card off of the desk and Lillie snatched it up. She had been chewing on a rawhide so I didn't think much about the noise she was making. I found most of the card but not all of it. I think she ate the rest of it. The next day she found a ink cartridge. It was one with black ink in it. Our carpet is off white. Good thing the cartridge was empty and she was caught before she did much damage.
You can say she keeps me busy!

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